Kreisberg asked to borrow an amp

Jonathan Kreisberg played a trio show at Isis last week. I was able to catch his second set after a gig at the Foundry Hotel with the Pimps of Pompe.

The band travels without much gear – Bob lent the bassist his bass and amp rig, and Kreisberg was texting everyone in town looking for a Deluxe Reverb – not the reissue though. Sadly, I have a Blues Jr. But I noticed during the performance that he had a Princeton Reverb and a Mini Brute on stage with him along with his elaborate pedal board that he travels with – so all ended well.

I suppose that, having played at Isis (the venue) a few times myself, I can add “shared the stage with Jonathan Kreisberg” to my performance resume? Well at least I can say, I’m on the text list when he comes to town in need of an amp. We chatted a bit afterwards and he said he’d check out my recording. If he does, I will be pleasantly surprised.

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